Mrs Mary Joan O’Brien Late of Scotts Head

Mary Joan O’Brien died on 9 June 2018 aged 84 years.

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Virtual Signature Book


Liddy — 21 June 2018

Mums hands were always busy, she would sew and knit and bakeand generously bless others, with everything shed make. Oh, her hands were old and wrinkled,yet beautiful to see,Because they were my mothers hands, So comforting to me xxx


Elizabeth O'Brien — 13 June 2018

My beautiful, kind, generous, loving, sweet dear Mother will be very sadly missed and will forever be close to my heart and in my thoughts and fondest memories. My prayer is that Mum will be with the Lord God in His kingdom of Heaven and reunited with all her loved ones that have gone before her with Eternal Life. May all those Mum leaves behind, be as loving to each other as our Mother was to them. Elizabeth Beeby (O'Brien) (4th Daughter)