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Jason Cameron — 11 July 2020

Thank you for streaming Quentins service. Over 40 years he was a constant colleague, friend, occasional housemate and collaborator. We shared many a bottle of red accompanied by lashings of his hearty Q Stew. Having heard the family stories as you grew up, I feel I know you all, but in reality Ive only met Sue when we worked together at Nine News. So it was bitter-sweet to see you all and finally get to hear your side of the story. I laughed at the scenario of news time at the Fogarty household with Q and Sue on the sofa tsk tsking the grammatical clangers. Perfectionists both. Q had impeccable timing, but he took this exit too soon and theres no second take. If anyone deserved a retirement, he certainly did after working so hard for so long. He only had one standard the best and judging by the comments here, plenty of friends and work-mates through the years endorse that view. Both my 30 something kids, Emma and Daniel, knew him as Q and from our family to yours we send our sincere condolences. Well miss him too.