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Barry Martin — 17 September 2020

Peter,Splendid memories of when we first met up at the University of Melbourne doing a similar course. Your received more than you bargained for in meeting Judy, encouraged by the eccentric, but well-meaning English Tutor, Dorothea Cerutty. This friendship remained after University as we went our separate ways. Happy days again with family life and holidays together. Over the years we have not seen much of one another, so memories became more important.Peter was an indomitable character who 'never let the grass grow under his feet'. Peter, your many friends, with Judy, will miss your good humour and ability to achieve what you set out to do. You have made your contribution to society as an Educational Psychologist and many will be thankful to you, and as a great family man. We will all miss you, but be thankful for your many good qualities so freely offered.Goodbye dear friend. May your have peace and rest.