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Joanna Barelli — 19 November 2020

Dear Sarah, what an amazing and inspirational woman you are. As children, I fondly remember games of spotlight in the orchard with the Fosters and Barellis, treasure hunts all over town and especially under the sand at Shelly Beach. These were wonderful holidays. We got to know each other as adults when I lived in Vancouver for uni. You looked after me, showed me around and made sure I was OK. You took me on wonderful hiking adventures and introduced me to a glorious cake shop in the city. I won't ever forget the chats we had while hiking - you not only encouraged me to pursue my dreams, but challenged me to dream bigger. This played a very important role in such a formative period of my life. We are all so lucky to have experienced your presence in our lives. You are vibrant, warm, selfless and unashamedly strong willed. You enriched my life. Thank you for being you. All my love to Justin, Eric, Janey, David and Becca.