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Mauritia Farlow — 14 February 2021

Dr Janet Prideaux was my late father, James Daviss, second wife. My sister, Sonja, aged 57, and I, aged 59 tried to get to know Janet, but Janet only communicated through emails and the post, informing us that we meant nothing to her or our father. She told us that we were only Jamess sperm. We were deeply offended! Janet offered us our late fathers ashes and we were invited to her house for one visit to select things from dads art studio, which werent good enough to hang in their house or be sold through QDos Arts. If we did that, we were not to make any further contact. Janet really disappointed Sonja and I. We were hoping that she would treat us more kindly, if not affectionately. Janet had a secretive dark side! I am glad that Janet is no longer battling breast cancer and suffering. It is with great sadness that we never were able to make a loving and meaningful connection with our stepmother. I suppose Janet had her reason for being so cold and nasty towards us. Her funeral service allowed us to see her nice side! Janet lived a full and happy life. May she Rest In Peace!