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Mario and Paula Cattapan — 24 February 2021

To Marie and family, our condolences on the passing of Eugenio, Genio as he was known to many of us was an inspiration to all who followed him to Australia. He created 'Villa Castellana in St David Street Northcote to welcome with a smile all family and extended family on their arrival to Australia. Many like my parents were given their start there and with his words of wisdom made a new life that for many, like myself, lives to this day. Genio represents what immigration to Australia was all about he had foresight and strong family ethic, and in that regard he is a Cattapan Icon. He will be sadly missed by many, and remembered by all who he touched in some way as a man of wisdom, kind and supportive. Vale' Genio. Mario (and Paula) Cattapan.