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Agnes Fenech — 16 April 2021

Dearest MumYou are a remarkable woman who alongside, dad made an amazing team.You are fearlessly protective of your family, but not afraid to say where we are wrong and imparting words of wisdom on how we can make it better and learn.Your resilience continued to the end where you continued to espouse the values you lived by in faith, hope & charity. Your strong faith was an inspiration to all and never wavered. From making the decision with dad to bring your family and grandma, leaving your country and making the journey of thousands of miles from Malta to Australia in 1962 and starting again. You spoke many a time of those days of struggle but you always spoke of the blessings your new home gave you and us and continued to thank God for the providence we found. You are the rock of this family and took the mantle up after dads passing. Now reunited with Joe, Doris , Agnes and all our loved ones in the Fenech & Farrugia family.God Speed Mum, love you always.Benedizione MaAgnes